PCSA is trying to silence dissenting voices


The decision by Independent Media to leave the Press Council of South Africa (PSCA) is fully supported by this newspaper.

PCSA ruled against Sunday Independent and IOL over an opinion article that was written by columnist Edmund Phiri where he compared News24 journalist, Karyn Maughan to a Nazi propagandist, Leni Riefenstah, which followed an article she wrote titled “Survé targets senior judge”

Sunday Independent and IOL exercised their rights and appealed the decision and PCSA rejected that application.

PCSA has demonstrated how it is enmeshed in the competitors’ agendas in the media industry. Clearly, PCSA wants to suppress dissenting voices within the media industry, a move that would compromise the watchdog role of the media.

Denying a newspaper to appeal a decision it deemed flawed is the height of bigotry for an institution that is supposed to be a custodian of ethical journalism freedom of the press and speech.

As part of the Independent Media group, we will continue to write without fear or favour and be the voice of the voiceless, and allow a symphony of dissenting voices to flourish.

Sunday Tribune

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