The DA Shadow Ministry Shows its Shady Side
The Democratic Alliance suddenly slanders Independent Media – why?
On Sunday, the Democratic Alliance (DA), issued a newsletter in which it claimed that Independent Media was non-tax compliant and should not, therefore, be awarded any Government business.
Not only is this claim completely misleading and dishonest, but it is also unsubstantiated and completely incorrect. Independent Media is compliant on all matters relating to its tax and business in accordance with the requisite regulations.
The DA’s article is penned by Dion George, in the shadow finance ministry and appears to have been issued at random.
Independent Media was surprised to read that it was allegedly not tax compliant.
Whilst tax matters are confidential, the company confirms it has filed all necessary paperwork and is up to date.
Intriguingly, the DA’s article refers to “tax compliant certificates”. It appears the DA is not aware that tax compliance certificates have been discontinued by SARS since 2019. So much for a well-informed shadow finance ministry…
Independent Media is perplexed then, as to why the DA would suddenly issue such a specious article, and which is without grounds or evidence. The only conclusion that can be drawn, is that it is a deliberate attempt to tarnish the reputation and name of Independent Media and part of an apparent broader campaign to discredit the company.
Independent Media demands a public apology and a correction from the Democratic Alliance.
Issued by:
Independent Media
7 February 2022
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